Frequently Asked Questions...

How long does an installation take?

Depends on the size of the system being installed but generally about 1-2 days.

Do I need planning permission?

No, unless you live in a listed building. Although we would advise to double check with your local planning office.

What size are the solar panels?

The size of the panels we are currently using are 980 x 1640 mm

Is it dangerous and will it alter the stability of my roof?

No solar panels are not dangerous for your roof nor will they alter the stability as work is carried out by fully qualified professionals to the highest standard.

What is an inverter?

An inverter takes the DC (direct current, e.g. solar) power and converts it into AC (alternating current) 'household' power.

What is the return on investment on solar panels? 

The typical return on investment is between 8 and 10 years over 20 years. This return varies with a number of factors, but our systems have consistently outperformed government approved standard estimates.

CanI get the Feed-In Tariff for a DIY solar panel system? 

No. You can only claim it when you have a system set up by an accredited installer using accredited solar panels and supporting technology.

Will the government reduce or phase out the feed-in tariff? 

Once you are on the Feed-in tariff, the government has made a commitment to honour payments for the full term of 20 years. The tariff rates are due for review in 2012. This does not affect existing participants in the scheme. Since the rate is at its highest to encourage take up at the start of the scheme, rates could be reduced. Once you are on the feed-in tariff rate, the government has guaranteed it, so you will not be affected by any future rate decreases. Existing members of the scheme will still be paid for the remaining lifetime of their tariff.

Does my location affect how much energy I can produce? 

Yes. Solar panel systems are affected by a whole range of factors including location, roof pitch, aspect and any shading issues. We can help advise you about making the most of your location and help you estimate the kind of output you can expect from your installation.


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